Matt Furie is an iconic artist known for his comic series “Boys Club” and its breakout character, Pepe the Frog, which evolved into a global cultural phenomenon. His artwork, celebrated for its vibrant, surreal, and often whimsical nature, captures the essence of internet culture and has sparked significant conversations around digital rights and artistic control.
Download and install Phantom on the appstore, or, alternatively if you're on desktop download and install the browser extension.
Now all you've got to do is buy your SOLANA in the Phantom APP, or, alternatively you can use an exchange and deposit using your wallet address.
Now go to RAYDIUM and paste the SAMUFROGContract Address to swap your $SOL. Remember, keep some for gas!
Now you're all set! Welcome aboard the next rocket to the moon, just import the contract address to view you're holdings and you can track your earnings.